“Institute Of Oriental Studies And Research” is established for development, preservation and advancement of Sanskrit learnings with the spirit of a comparative study of oriental subjects such as Veda, Vedanta, Purana, Ayurveda, Literature, Astrology, Mimansa, Pali, Buddhist, Yoga & skill development as per the need of the hour. It’s an institution dedicated to the advanced learning of Sanskrit which is considered one of the ancient languages on earth. We are also keen to nurture the latest development in Science , Technology and AI along with skill development. In addition to regular courses at our institute a distance learning course is also introduced to spread to the education system based on an ideal that combined teaching and research through online classes that accelerate the exchange of knowledge, teachers and students across the content.
To ensure complete hold over Vedic Education...
To impart oriental, Vedic and skill development education to students so that they are are competent to handle emerging spiritual challenges.
Admission to any course depends on the availability of seats and merit of the candidate....
Every student is expected to have 75% attendance. In case of illness or unavoidable reasons, a formal leave application should be submitted ...
Active involvement and continued interest of the students is required for their all round development. ...
Various Extra carriculars and functions are held so that the students can display their talents apart from academics. ...